• Canadians with diabetes are 23 times more likely to be hospitalized with amputations.
  • More than half of these amputations can be prevented with professional feet and toenail care.
  • 50% of lower limb amputations are the result of diabetic complications.
  • One-third of amputations were performed on people reporting a diabetic foot wound.

So how to prevent these alarming and frightening statistics?

Information on insurance coverage for Diabetic foot care is offered.  A physician’s prescription is sometimes required for insurance coverage.  Reports to physicians can be prepared when needed.  As the foot does not exist in isolation but is a member of the body, other anatomical and physiological assessments as well as a health history and medication list will be a part of the nursing process.  A nursing diagnosis (or multiple) is determined and the course of treatment is recommended with the signed consent of the client or POA.  Recommended routine foot care every 6-8 weeks, includes a Vascular Doppler of the pedal pulses, to compare or detect defective pulses in both legs or incompetent valves; a protective sensation test to determine neuropathy; examination of musculoskeletal impairments; 3D scan of both feet to detect and address any skeletal or biomechanical faults; dermatological examination and treatments; nail trimming; thinning of dystrophic nails; debridement of calluses and corns; finishing with a massage with urea-based cream to promote circulation and lymphatic drainage, then the comforting application of heated towels.